Reincarnation: Breeze’s Story

Born with an inner sense of knowing, I knew right from when I could walk, that I was a psychic medium. I may have not known what those terms were at the time, but I knew that I was connecting with Spirits and could predict future events.  I could always sense Spirits or energies; in fact, I spoke openly about who I was in my previous lives. My favourite past life memory was of me being a Native American warrior with a beautiful white stallion.  I was so intrigued by this life and the connection I had with this horse that I would always re-enact this life in my childhood games. It wasn’t until my teenage years that I began to realize that no one else around me was speaking to the dead or re-enacting their past. I knew deep down that what I was experiencing was not imagined.  Even today, these instincts and a strong connection to the other side guides me on a day-to-day basis.

Over the years, I learned how to enhance my psychic abilities and trained with Spiritual Healers.  I knew this gift I had was extremely important and I felt the need to understand the process of reincarnation more.  In my mid twenties I decided I would adopt my first dog.  My soulmate, Breeze. She had long golden hair, deep brown eyes full of wisdom, and her soulful demeanour captivated me. We looked at each other and I instantly knew that she was my white stallion from long ago. She had reincarnated from that distant life into this one to be with me again.  I knew in my heart that we shared a bond which could not be broken, in any life.

We spent many joyous years together until one day, on December 7th, 2016, I experienced the most painful day of my life. It was the day Breeze transitioned and left the earthly realm leaving me completely shattered and my life upside down. It was also the day after her 16th birthday. Balloons and party favours still strewn about and yet my baby was instantly gone. My heart was crushed. The bond the two of us shared over the years was the deepest and most beautiful that I had ever experienced.

Being a practising psychic medium, and having a strong connection to the other side did not protect me from the waves of emotions I was experiencing. My child, soulmate, and companion, the one I trusted the most, my deepest love was gone. The pain washed over me day and night, and moving forward became very difficult. I begged and shouted to God, a higher source, anyone or thing that would listen, to bring Breeze back to me. I had never felt so broken in my life. I kept asking myself why this was happening to me and whether I deserved this pain.

Days, weeks, and months passed. The hole in my heart and soul felt deeper and emptier. I trudged through my days, anxiously waiting for night so I could slip inside my blanket and forget reality even for a while. How many more years will I be here? 40 more? How can I live with this pain?  Agonising thoughts like these kept me awake.

One day it hit me!  If I remembered past lives, believed in reincarnation and knew Breeze was my horse from many centuries ago, why couldn’t Breeze come back to me again? That thought filled me with a tiny bit of hope so that I made it my new mission to have my baby back in my life. I set my intention to the Universe and told Breeze that this was my new plan. I strongly believed that our time together wasn’t over and that’s why my grief felt so deep and insecure. I asked Breeze to come back to me, but she showed me that before it could happen, there was some internal learning and growth that I needed to go through. In that instant, I began my professional psychic and mediumship journey.

Soon afterwards, I began to feel the light of her presence all around me as I struggled to put the pieces of my life back together.  It was also during this time that I started to develop an even stronger connection to the Spiritual plane. I realized that this connection, combined with Breeze’s spiritual presence, was something I couldn’t brush aside or even deny.  I have always had a connection to source energy but now it was time to work with it.  So, I dove in deep.  Over the next few months, I taught myself how to meditate properly and gave myself to the higher realm.  I told source energy that I am here on this planet to guide people through loss and grief, and to connect them to their loved ones on the other side.

Four months later, I received my first message from Breeze. As a medium, I hoped that this message would come to me sooner, but it taught me something profound. I learned that our grief are walls that can hinder messages coming from the other side and that it can take time to receive the desired messages.  Then one night I had a dream: Breeze was a puppy floating through the universe and she had a chord tethering her to me on earth. After a long time, I woke up with a smile knowing that Breeze and I are always connected and that nothing can keep us apart. Not even death. She also told me very clearly, ‘Mom, when your car breaks, you take it to the shop to get it fixed, and then you bring it home. That’s exactly what I am doing...getting fixed!’.  There couldn’t be a clearer message than this.

Over the next two years, Breeze guided me and showed me how to grow my spiritual side and really go deep within myself. I learnt self-love, forgiveness and how to develop a stronger connection to my higher self. She kept offering me messages and clues on how to find her when she comes back into her physical body. With time, the clues began to materialize into facts. Facts that I needed to understand and follow.

Breeze shared with me the date of June 6.  Could this be her birthdate, I wondered?  June 6 came, and I felt a different energy from Breeze. That energy was unlike any that I had felt before. If you have ever vibrated at a higher frequency, you’d know that you would be feeling happy, carefree, trusting and very light. But Breeze’s vibration felt a bit lower, still happy, and carefree, but she wasn’t feeling as light. I pondered whether she was born and back on earth.

Since dogs should stay with their birth mothers for at least 8 weeks, I knew she would be available for adoption around the beginning of August.  But where?  Soon, Breeze gave me the claircognizant “knowing” that she would be located west of where I lived.  Living in the northern Canadian Rockies means that towns and villages are few and far between as you head west.  There are many acreages and farms so ‘this shouldn’t be too hard’, I thought.

Breeze also gifted me with the vision of what she would look like.  I was shown emerald green eyes and cute little brown freckles.  Armed with this insight, the search for Breeze began in the summer of 2019.  The month of July turned out to be exciting and a bit unnerving.  What if I’m wrong? What if the past two years I have just been crazy?  I had to shift my mindset into possibility and remind myself that I am right, and these messages are real.  As my conviction became stronger, my friends and family also firmly believed that Breeze was reincarnating. The belief I had felt deeply intuitive. It was undeniable. Soon, my team of family and friends started researching newspapers, Facebook ads and the classified advertising website Kijiji - looking for puppies that were born on or very close to June 6 within 6 hours of west.  I searched nearby villages in the mountains and even stopped people on the streets to ask them if they knew of any puppies up for adoption. My baby was close by, and I needed to find her!

A few days later, I had another dream. It was a vision of the name ‘ZOE’.  ‘Zoe’ in gold letters were floating in the universe, (just like Breeze had shown me when we were tethered together) and surrounded by blue butterflies fluttering around it.  Feeling exhausted, and a bit defeated, I didn’t share this new information with anyone except a good friend of mine who was a grade 4 teacher in a neighbouring village about 75 minutes away.  I asked her if she had any kids in her class named ‘Zoe’ and to my surprise she did!  Could this child named Zoe have a litter of puppies at home that needs adopting?

Excited, I convinced my friend to casually ask ‘Zoe’ if she had any puppies or if her relatives had any puppies or if she knew of any puppies up for adoption.  Did this little girl have my dog or know where she was?  Yet her responses came consistently as a strong ‘NO’, leaving me even more confused.  Realizing this child had no clue about my soulmate’s return, I once again felt baffled and defeated.

My search continued with no luck. Many emotions were flowing through me. My poor husband, who was my biggest support during this time, had no idea what to do any more.  July came and went, then August, and so did September.  I assumed my Breeze to be 4 months old by now, and I didn’t know who had her or how they were treating her, and this absolutely terrified me.  I spent countless hours online looking for her, believing that I would recognize her as soon as I saw her. My mind was in overdrive, filled with endless thoughts about my child. I knew it was time to take a step back from the screen and let go of the agonizing thoughts. I searched for a release from the tension I was feeling and ways to de-stress.

Any new hobbies of mine were quickly dropped, and I went back to the computer.  Within minutes, I saw a beautiful picture of a puppy with emerald green eyes and cute little freckles.  For some reason, I didn’t immediately react to the photo, but I did send it to my husband, Colin.  Colin instantly messaged me saying he almost fell off his ladder at work looking at this photo, and that he had goosebumps all over him.  He urged me to contact whoever posted the photo and ask for more pictures because he believed it was Breeze.  I was a bit hesitant as she was only 8 weeks old, and if she was born on the 6th of June this wouldn’t make sense.

A few hours later, when we were sitting together, I received an email from the woman who posted the picture saying, “Here are some more pictures of Zoe for you.”  I dropped my phone and started screaming. I was elated! No one knew about my dream, with the name Zoe, except for my one friend!  So, after explaining this to Colin, we immediately called this woman and told her we wanted to adopt Zoe.  Still feeling a bit curious about dates, I asked her when Zoe was born.  She told me August 7th, but the conception date was June 6th!  I realized the difference in energy that I was feeling earlier came from the fact she was not yet born, but was in the womb.

Little did I know that this entire time, Breeze was training me to be a Pet Medium.  She knew that by showing me these different vibrations and by following the messages given, I would be able to help people all around the world to reunite with their reincarnated animals.

Driving 3 hours to get Breeze was a bit nerve wracking to say the least.  I knew this was her, but I was still incredibly anxious.  As we pulled up to the acreage, I saw her, and my heart melted. I was overcome by pure joy.  She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.  She was covered in mud, soaking wet and her soulful eyes beamed right towards me. I picked her up in my arms, showered her with kisses and told her that her mommy is here.

In hindsight, I know now that the journey was as important as the destination, as is quite often the case.  Breeze used an inevitable event to teach me how to reconnect with her once again.  It is with this experience that I now embark on a journey to help others realize the joy I found, to be a guide on this incredible adventure of animal communication and reincarnation. After communicating with hundreds of animals on this planet and on the other side, I have learnt that they never leave us.  Like Breeze said, their physical form may just ‘need to go and get fixed,’ but they will be back.  My work as a Pet Medium and Animal Communicator has proven this time and time again.  By connecting with the animals before they pass or while on the other side, we can receive specific evidence and clues as to when and how to find them when they come back.  Animals are part of the divine intervention, and they know what they are doing.

Animal grief isn’t fully accepted in our society.  We are conditioned and expected to go back to work immediately, go about our daily life as if nothing happened, and replace our pet because ‘it was just a dog,’ or just a ‘cat’. We are expected to feel normal right away. However, for many of us our pets are our children, family members, confidantes, and our soulmates.  It can be a shattering and an extremely debilitating grieving process.  Our goal is to show the world that you are ‘tethered’ to your beloved fur baby.  They are always a part of you, and you a part of them.  If we can connect with our animals after their death, then maybe we can understand that going ‘home’ to get a new body doesn’t have to be terrifying for us.  Maybe it can be something amazing and exciting, knowing that our loved one will come back lively and healthy.

If you, or someone you know has lost your animal and feel your time with them is not yet over, please reach out. Breeze and I are here to help you. It is with this experience that I now embark on a journey to help others realize the joy I found.  To be a guide down the path of this incredible adventure.

“Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other”

~ Paulo Coelho