Mediumship Readings

As an Evidentiary Medium my goal is to connect you with your departed loved ones and prove the continuity of life.

Prior to your reading, I will state my intention to the Spirit World and raise my vibration in order to connect to a higher plane of frequency.  This works just like tuning into your favourite radio station, you need the right frequency in order to listen! 

During your reading it is common to find numerous friends or family members coming through to communicate with you. Our loved ones on the Other Side are very excited to speak with us just as we are to them.  However, it is my intention to connect you with your ‘Star Attraction’... the main person you are hoping to hear from.

Once we have made a connection and validated who is with us, you will have an opportunity to ask questions to your loved ones or to just sit back and allow Spirit to speak.

*** It is recommended to come prepared with your questions as a lot of times it is difficult to think on the spot as these readings can be very emotional

*Readings start at $175+GST

Questions? Contact me here!

Psychic Reading

Psychic Readings are designed to help those seeking direction or clarity in one’s life. In a Psychic reading I will first connect to the energy within your aura. I will ask you to relax and calm your mind while we breathe together.  This typically only takes a few seconds while the connection is made.  By welcoming in your energy, I will blend with it to help me sense your life’s events. These readings can encourage you, and give you confidence to make decisions in all life situations such as health, career, relationships or simply your souls path.

However, we all have free will and therefore the choices YOU make to direct your life are solely up to you.

*Readings start at $175+GST

Questions? Contact me here!

Animal Communication

Animal Communication is a way of speaking on a Spirit level using telepathic communication.  Animals are intelligent, sentient, feeling and thinking beings who carry all the same emotions humans do. They love to be heard. Animals are far more advanced than we are in that they can instantly communicate telepathically, whereas we humans have to ‘relearn’ how to do that. 

In order to begin an Animal Communication, I will require a photo of your beloved animal along with a list of any questions or concerns you have regarding them. These can be anything from physical or behavioural issues or even to check in on them after they have crossed over.  Yes! Animal communication can be done for both living and pets on the Other Side.

When I begin, I will open up my heart chakra and raise my vibration.  The picture you provide will help me connect with them on this telepathic level. Once we are connected, I will learn who they truly are; their core essence, their likes and dislikes and I will ask permission to proceed.

This communication process is done remotely and privately. Therefore, there is no need to switch your schedule to have an appointment.  After the process is complete, I will then set up a time to call you at your convenience to go over the results.

*Readings are $175+GST

Questions? Contact me here!

Course: Psychic Kids & Teens 101

Do you have a child or teen showing psychic abilities and not sure how to guide them? This course will help with the following:

  • Helping your children harness their psychic/energetic abilities

  • Encouraging spiritual growth

  • Learn spiritual protection

  • Meditation practices

  • Assist in relieving anxiety and any apprehension behind working with Spirit

*Rates starting at $199, includes online support throughout the program.

Course: Learn To Talk To Your Pets

Have you wanted to learn how to fully connect and communicate with your pets? I am here to help!

What’s included?

  • 3 week one on one program

  • Online mentorship

  • Live readings with full support

* Course fee $597+GST


All services can be done either online, on the phone or in person at Heart Space Jasper.


Each client's psychic/mediumship consultation is subject to the client's own personal interpretation. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Therefore, each client receiving the consultation is responsible for his/her own choices and/or actions.

 “Intuition is the truest energy. For it is what your Spirit is feeling”